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Monday 9 October 2017

Amaltas by Sneha

How it started?
Ever since I grew up, I wanted to be a creator of things, of art that inspires one to love everything around them. Be it the things they wear and live in the whole day, their surroundings and every single moment they experience. Is this not something that we all really desire? A simple, beautiful and peaceful feeling, which we all dream of experiencing each and every day of our life and basking in the glory of it.
This is art to me.

The story of ‘Amaltas’
I always had this urge within me to create something that affects my life and the life of others in a positively impactful way. I was more often appreciated by my friends and family for the look I would put together for myself and others. Being inclined towards fashion and styling, I decided to begin my journey by creating modern and eclectic wear for women from organic handloom.
Nothing in my view has been more picturesque than the sight of a big old Amaltas tree with beautiful yellow flowers spread across the floor in my backyard. I always wanted my label to reflect the person I am, my idea of art and what I expect it to be, something very natural, earthy and close to mother earth. One that brings back my childhood nostalgia and this is precisely how Amaltas happened. Amaltas by Sneha is a brand which celebrates every season with its earthy hues and feminine persona. Handpicked organic fabrics infused with a tinge of love is what Amaltas brings to you- The modern contemporary woman who likes to remain connected to the indianness and at the same time rise into her arena with glorifying heights.

Why handloom?
I am blessed to be part of a country which embraces art in multiple forms across regions. Every art has a story to tell, which I desire to reflect in every piece of deign I create. My intention is to change our perspective towards Indian handloom into something more modern and rooted at the same time, something which is fun to style in different ways for diverse age groups of modern women.
We humans have already depleted our mother earth of its vital elements. It’s our turn now to replenish all that we have destroyed and restore the balance of nature by adopting a sustainable and eco-friendly living.

With this, I would like to put a halt to this piece of writing. Also, do drop by and show some love to the pieces I curated and many masterpieces on their way.

Social Media: (I’m actively present on Instagram)

Until we meet next time. Till then, happy reading J


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