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Thursday 9 August 2012

something like Nostalgia

I had always wanted to visit a new place ever since I had finished my college. A place worth living in, not mere existing. Somewhere I  could gather new experiences from and where my heart and soul would find peace. Amidst this entire feeling I had never thought it would be such a not-that-easy thing for me to leave this place, my family, my home.

How I have spent all these years of my life growing up here. When I was a kid, how was I so reluctant going to school each day and the way my mother used to pull me out from under the bed, for I had thought it was the safest place for me to hide :p How chasing butterflies and playing with the dolls seemed such a pleasure. Collecting a variety of stuff was my hobby and the way I used to decorate my room with all such stuff and tag them as 'My Special Things'. How each cloud in the sky looked like something to me and how I would love to sit on the top of the terrace, with my cousins, and take a sip of hot coffee when it was drizzling. How each moment, sad or happy, I still remember and shall always be there in the cobwebs of my memory.

And now when it's the time I'm leaving this place I feel like staying here longer, spending more time with my family and people, do for them all those things we had been thinking of doing together and share many more moments of bliss with them.

For the past few days I have been seeing a number of people, my dear ones, who have, in some way or the other, contributed to the making of my life. These warm rendezvous have made me realise that I don't have anything to be sad about or miss but I've with me lots of their memories to cherish throughout my life.

                            One among the many pictures we had clicked on a family trip to Ujjain